
5 Stretches for Headache and Neck Pain Relief

If you suffer from headaches or neck pain, stretching can be an effective means of improving your symptoms. Not only can stretching provide immediate relief, but it can also help to prevent future pain and discomfort. Here are 10 stretches that you can do to help alleviate your headaches and neck pain.

  1. Shoulder Rolls 

The shoulder roll is a simple and effective stretch that can help to relax the muscles in your neck and shoulders. To do the shoulder roll, sit or stand up straight and roll your shoulders backward in circles. Make sure to keep your neck in line with your spine throughout the exercise. Do 10-15 reps of the shoulder roll in each direction.

  1. Neck Side Stretch 

The neck side stretch is another simple stretch that can help to relieve headache and neck pain. To do this stretch, sit or stand upright and tilt your head to the side as if you are trying to touch your shoulder with your ear. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

  1. Neck Retraction 

The neck retraction stretch can help to reduce tightness in the neck and improve posture. To do this stretch, sit or stand up straight and draw your chin inward like you are trying to make a double chin. Hold for 5-10 seconds and then relax. Repeat 10-15 times.

  1. Neck Pinch

The neck pinch stretch can help to relieve tightness in the neck and upper back. To do this stretch, sit or stand up straight and place your hands at the sides of your head with your fingertips facing your ears. Gently press your head into your hands and hold for 10-15 seconds. Then release.

  1. Standing Cat-Cow 

The standing cat-cow is a gentle stretch that can help to reduce headache and neck pain. To do this stretch, stand up straight and place your hands on your hips. Begin to arch your back like a cat, then reverse the movement and round your back like a cow. Do 10-15 reps of this stretch.

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